HomeNeuroAdaptNeuroAdapt – Applications


Eligibility Criteria

Universal Criteria

  • Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers by the relevant NeuroAdapt Call deadline, i.e., in a possession of a doctoral degree
  • Applicants must be fluent in English (written and spoken)

Mobility Criteria

Fellowship Type Additional Eligibility Mobility Rule
Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline
* An applicant who is a national or long-term resident of a Horizon Europe Member State (MS) or Associated Country (AC) may apply for an outgoing phase to any country outside Ireland. Or * An applicant who is not a national of a MS or AC may apply for an outgoing phase but only to a MS or AC. Refer to ‘Definitions and exceptions’ below regarding Associated Countries.
The applicant must move or have moved from any country to the outgoing partner organisation, and may not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the outgoing partner organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the call deadline
Incoming Global
Fellowship Type Standard
Additional Eligibility * An applicant who is a national or long-term resident of a Horizon Europe Member State (MS) or Associated Country (AC) may apply for an outgoing phase to any country outside Ireland. Or * An applicant who is not a national of a MS or AC may apply for an outgoing phase but only to a MS or AC. Refer to ‘Definitions and exceptions’ below regarding Associated Countries.
Mobility Rule Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline The applicant must move or have moved from any country to the outgoing partner organisation, and may not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the outgoing partner organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the call deadline

Definitions and exceptions

  • Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays can be ignored
  • For refugees covered by the 1951 Refugee Convention (Geneva Convention), the refugee procedure (i.e. before refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as ‘period of residence/activity in the country of the beneficiary’. This is regardless of whether he/she was active in research at that time.
  • “Postdoctoral Researcher” is an individual in possession of a doctoral degree (i.e., have successfully completed all the formal requirements to obtain a doctorate). Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered as eligible to apply. The successful defense must be unconditional (no further requirements/corrections that need to be addressed) and take place before the Call deadline.
  • A medical doctor degree will be accepted only when it corresponds to a doctoral degree or if the researcher can demonstrate his/her appointment in a position that requires doctoral equivalency (e.g., professorship appointment). Medical doctor degrees corresponding to basic medical training defined in Annex V of Directive 2005/36/EC will not be considered a doctoral degree.
    • ‘Fluent in English’ means minimum standard (or native):
     TOEFL: 237 (computer-based), 580 (paper-based test)
     Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CAP): Overall score of 180 with a minimum of 169 in all components.
     Evidence may be requested by the NeuroAdapt team
     Other English language examinations of equivalence will also be considered
  • “Associated Countries” are those defined for the Horizon Europe Programme

Evaluatation Process

View Transcript

  1. Submission
  2. Eligibility Check
  3. Decision
  4. International Remote Review Excellence, Impact, Implementation
  5. Decision & Feedback
  6. PPI Den

Extra Info


Researchers at Risk and other disadvantaged groups

In line with the MSCA Guidelines for Inclusion of Researchers at Risk, the NeuroAdapt fellowship programme will make every effort to identify and support the best research projects, and to develop talented researchers wherever they are coming from.

Support will be provided on a case by case basis, both during the application process and during the fellowship programme.

Available support may include:

  • Application submission by post where online application requirements may discriminate against the researcher’s circumstances
  • Application of the eligibility criteria appropriately to ensure researchers who have suspended their activities whilst seeking refugee status are not disadvantaged
  • Advice on visas, accommodation, counselling services, healthcare/insurance, banking, assistance with accommodation, family supports (e.g. day care), schools, child benefit and working culture of the host institutions
  • In specific circumstances, relocation support can be offered

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR APPLICANTS WHO HAVE APPLIED FOR REFUGEE STATUS IN IRELAND:  The time spent in the refugee status application process will not count as time resident in Ireland. 

Applicants should be postdoctoral researchers (ie. in possession of a doctoral degree by the time the fellowship is set to begin).

Applicants should have the language skills required to successfully conduct their research activities as the envisaged host institution, as confirmed by the applicant host institution.

If you require additional help in developing a research proposal due to your situation, please contact the programme manager (neuroadapt@rcsi.ie)




As part of the research proposal applicants will be required to perform an ethics self-assessment, and to consider how to manage any issues identified. Support will be given to assist this process. Certain research areas are excluded from funding, including:

  • research activities aiming at human cloning for reproductive purposes
  • research activity intended to modify the genetics of human beings that could make such changes heritable (with the exception of research relating to cancer treatment of the gonads, which may be financed)
  • research activities intended to create human embryos solely for the purpose of research or for the purpose of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer

Training and Development

Developing people is at the heart of the MSCA philosophy. Our fellows will be provided with opportunities to learn research skills relevant to their projects, and also activities to support their careers. Activities to promote Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) and intersectoral engagement through secondments are important features of our fellowship programme. Please see the front page of this site for some of the research and training partners.

Welfare and Institutional supports

Fellows will receive all the necessary management and technical support to ensure access to the facilities required to carry out their research. Each host institute has administrative and welfare structures in place for the Fellows, such as accommodation advice, IT support and health services.


Most frequent questions and answers

To be eligible for our Fellowships, English fluency is required. The Terms and Conditions state that TOEFL 237 (Computer Based Test) or equivalent is acceptable. This score is equivalent to 92 on the TOEFL Internet Based Test or 680 on the TOEFL Paper Based Test, and C1 in tests that conform to the CEFR. If you have conducted your doctoral studies in English you should meet this standard.

Evidence is not requested on proposal submission. If any concern is raised on your English proficiency through the evaluation process, you may be requested to provide evidence prior to confirmation of a successful award.

As with the Horizon Europe MSCA Programme, secondments must take place during the implementation period of the fellowship, i.e. within the 24 month term.

We ask that you propose a realistic and relevant intersectoral secondment of 3-6 months in your research proposal. This may support your research objectives, your career goals, or both. If secondment organisations are unknown at the time of the application, applicants should, at the very least, describe a potential secondment host profile.

Each NeuroAdapt supervision team will comprise three individuals;
1) the principal academic supervisor and co-supervisor for Global Fellowships,
2) a secondment supervisor from industry/patient group/clinical setting, and
3) an impartial individual (academic or other) mentor to provide independent advice and experience in career development chosen by the applicant (support in identifying additional mentors will be provided by your supervisor and the NeuroAdapt manager).

Where possible, applicants are be encouraged to identify the complete supervision team at application stage. If not, the team will be defined prior to a fellowship start with the help of the NeuroAdapt managers. The primary supervisor must be from our NeuroAdapt supervisor list.

With respect to the global fellowships and career reintegration options, and under MSCA terms, “Long-term residence” means a period of legal and continuous residence within one or more EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries of at least 5 consecutive years. Periods of absence from the territory of the Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country shall be taken into account for the calculation of this period where they are shorter than 6 consecutive months and do not exceed in total ten months within this period of five years.

The standard and career restart incoming fellowships are open to all nationalities.