HomePatient InvolvementYour Data Rights

Your Data Rights

At FutureNeuro we take your data rights very seriously and we greatly appreciate the generosity of all persons who share their personal and health data with us for research purposes.  If you believe that your records might be part of our datasets and you have concerns about the use of your data or your privacy the resources listed here may provide you with the information you are looking for.

Beaumont Hospital Privacy Policy and Data Protection Rights

St James’s Hospital Privacy Notice

Any individual has the right to request information on their data from us or from our research partners.  If you would like to request information directly from us, have your data corrected, removed, restricted or would like to make a complaint, we can provide you with the information you require.

How to do this

Please fill out this form and we will contact you directly or, alternatively, you can contact the Data Protection Office in RCSI or in any of the hospitals were your data may be stored, and this includes electronic records.

Contact Details for RCSI and our main research hospitals:

RCSI: Data Protection Officer:  dataprotection@rcsi.ie

Beaumont Hospital:  Data Protection Officer: : +353 1 809 2162 / 3392 : dpo@beaumont.ie

St James’s Hospital: Data Protection Officer:  +353 1 410 3021 : dataprotection@stjames.ie

Cork University Hospital: Data Protection Officer: DDPO HSE South: +353 21 4928538:  ddpo.south@hse.ie

Children’s Hospital Ireland: Data Protection Officer: +353 1 409 6100 (Crumlin and Tallaght); +353 1 878 4200 (Temple St and Connolly): dpo@childrenshealthireland.ie

St Vincent’s Hospital: Data Protection Officer: +353 221 3591/ (01) 221 4000: dataprotection@st-vincents.ie