HomePartneringInfrastructure and Technology Platforms

Infrastructure and Technology Platforms

Infrastructure and Technology Platforms

Across our national academic and clinical network, we have access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure and competencies. Our ability to combine and apply these technologies across our themes of Diagnosis, Therapeutics and Digital Health makes us distinctive and excellent and provides a one-stop-shop for translational partnerships.

Our five Key-Enabling Technology Platforms are:

Technology Platform I (Genomics, bioinformatics and computational biology)

  • Next-generation bulk sequencing platforms, DNA, WGS, exome, RNA and epigenetics.
  • Proteomics core (Mass spectrometry).
  • Bioinformatics and systems biology core.
  • High Performance Compute and storage facilities for datasets.


Technology Platform II (Preclinical modelling and disease phenotyping)

  • Mouse models TLE, Dravet, CDKL5, Rett, TBI, ALS, AD, psychosis and Claudin5 knockdown.
  • Comprehensive pre-clinical in vivo phenotyping.
  • Human models (iPSC generation, acute and organotypic human brain slice).
  • Electrophysiology (in vivo, patch and extracellular).
  • Molecular, cellular and brain imaging.
  • Supporting cores in AAV vector production, bioinformatics, transgenic mice.


Technology Platform III (Companion Diagnostics)

  • High-speed electrochemistry.
  • Sensor system development.
  • Human neurophysiology and brain function (fMRI, DCEMRI, high-density EEG).
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation.


Technology Platform IV (Digital Health) 

  • Longitudinal Patient registries: Epilepsy (>11,000 patients), ALS (>2,500 patients).
  • Expanding registries in Multiple Sclerosis and rare monogenic epilepsies.
  • Clinical data analytics using AI.
  • Patient portal infrastructure.
  • Digital ethics framework for Secondary Use of Patient Data.


Technology Platform V (Clinical trials infrastructure)

  • Clinical Research Centres at Beaumont, St James’, Cork University hospitals and Children’s Health Ireland.
  • Electronic trials infrastructure: Precision ALS and BESTS (epilepsy) data infrastructures in development, integration of multi-modal data sets.
  • Support for ethics and health regulatory application process.
  • In-patient epilepsy monitoring units, integration of wearables.
  • Biobanking: DNA, CSF, plasma/serum, fibroblasts.