HomeOur ResearchFutureNeuro Research Goals and Overview

FutureNeuro Research Goals and Overview

Informed by diverse stakeholders, including clinicians, patients, and industry partners, our multidisciplinary research program prioritises real-world clinical challenges and commercial opportunities. Working closely with our clinical experts and industry partners, we leverage state-of-the-art research infrastructure and expertise across our eight partner universities. Our research spans the entire spectrum, from early-stage discovery to translational studies and clinical trials, ensuring a comprehensive approach to tackling brain-related issues. To find out about how we collaborate with industry, visit Partnering.


Thematic Areas

In Diagnostics, our goal is to capitalise on the homogenous genetic nature of the Irish population and integrate emerging research on wet and dry biomarkers. Our objective is to establish a stratified, research-engaged patient population, facilitating faster diagnosis, precision medicine, and more clinical trials.

Read more about our Diagnostics Research.

In Therapeutics, our goal is to translate discoveries about the causes of brain disease into therapies that can have a transformative impact for patients. Our programme leverages our ‘omics datasets to prioritise and screen potential drug candidates. We then select appropriate small molecule, oligonucleotide and gene therapy strategies to conduct proof-of-concept and preclinical testing. From there, we move to mechanistic studies, exploring safety and pharmacology, and begin the process of bringing new treatments to the clinic.

Read more about our Therapeutics Research.

In Digital Health, our goal is to lay the foundations for a Learning Health System (LHS) by collecting, integrating and acquiring data from multiple sources and generating the knowledge to enable precision medicine and personalised care. We will create sustainable and ethical pathways towards the linkage of electronic health records (EHRs), patient portals, patient registries and wearables/devices. We will develop a digital therapeutic for mental health risk identification and intervention. With a focus on trust and transparency, we will harness artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to provide new insights, guiding patient-centred research and improving clinical care.

Read more about our Digital Health Research.


Infrastructure and Technology Platforms

We bring together world-class research infrastructures and competencies from across our eight academic institutes and leading hospital groups in Ireland. Our collaborative network encompass cutting-edge cores specialising in genomics, bioinformatics, cell biology, viral vector production, single-cell and spatial sequencing technologies, electrophysiology, neurotechnologies, preclinical and human brain models, functional brain imaging, biobanks, and clinical research centres. Read more about these “Key Enabling Technology” platforms.

Key Enabling Technology platforms

Patient Informed Research

Public Patient Involvement (PPI) is at the forefront of our research. Our researchers foster dynamic, reciprocal partnerships with people living with neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions, as well as their caregivers, advocates, and healthcare providers. Read more about how the public and patients inform our research.

Patient Involvement