Public Engagement
Dedicated to amplifying the societal impact of our research, we actively involve the public and key stakeholders through educational and engagement initiatives. Our commitment extends to promoting engaged research practices at every stage of our research and innovation.

Brain Research and Health Awareness
In addition to continuously researching new ways to better diagnose and treat brain disease, we recognise the importance of protecting your brain and maintaining good brain health.
Read about brain researchSupporting the Next Generation of Researchers
We aim to encourage young people at all stages to be curious about the brain, about science and a career in STEM. Have a look at some of our programmes:
Supporting the next generation of scientistsEmpowering Communities Impacted by our Research
We collaborate with national advocacy groups to inform public awareness, engagement and research policy in neurological health. Partnering with organisations such as the Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI), Epilepsy Irl, MS Ireland, Dravet Syndrome Ireland, CDKL5 Ireland and TSC Ireland, these bi-directional engagements are excellent fora to share research advances and also to build our understanding of public and patient priorities.
Empowering communities impacted by our researchEngaging Through the Creative Arts
FutureNeuro is delighted to use the powerful medium of the creative arts to communicate in new ways with new audiences about our research.
Engaging through the creative arts